What is Next Gen?

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Welcome Comrades! Next Gen is a blog post created to bring like-minded individuals across the world to discuss and create solutions to economic and social issues concerning people of color. Below you will find a questionnaire to see if you should join the crew.


1. Have you ever found yourself isolated due to race or social status?

2. Have you ever felt abandoned by your government?

3. Do you have drive to want to make a change in the world?

5. Do you enjoy learning and engaging with other cultures?

6. Did you notice that you skipped number four?

7. Did you go back to check?

8. Are you willing to learn from past mistakes and become more attentive? 

If you answered mostly yes to these questions its time for you to join the New Gen army. We’ll be meeting again soon comrades until then pay attention to the fine print.

Signed: Sergeant


Africa Future Generation Nigeria USA



Brenda Jackson

January 20th, 2025 - 6:24 PM - 1 month ago

I am ready to join the New Gen Army, Thanks for a new hope to discuss the future of our generation, Cheers!

Griffina Blake

January 29th, 2025 - 6:38 PM - 3 weeks ago

Yes I have felt isolated because I am a person that beats to a different drum. How do you keep your authentic self in a world thst wants you to comform to its norms?

Brenda Jackson

January 30th, 2025 - 5:38 PM - 3 weeks ago

Hello Griffina! We conform to the moral and ethical guides of our society that influence our belief systems which is a direct response to our behavior. For example, my morals are based on my family, culture, and religion . My beliefs have helped me to be the person I am today and I am greatful. But the same belief systems have created obstacles that have retarded my growth. These obstacles have caused conflict and confusion in my life affecting my thoughts that have led to my present health issues. This is where I begin to question my own behavior in a moment's notice. I can only observe it while being Mindful and this is where my change begins making my own changes to unconscious conformities, hence allowing me to seek and keep my authentic self in a world that wants me to conform to its norms.
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